Join me for a 70min Heart healing, deeply nurturing and expansive workshop with the Council of Cosmic Mothers from the Cassiopeia constellation.
The Cassiopeian Cosmic Mothers are here to wrap up and elevate your Heart chakra to new heights with their Magenta Ray of Unconditional Love light codes and frequencies.
In this transmission I channel their healing, guidance and wisdom for you in the form of a guided meditation leading you to connect with your own Pillar of Light and receive healing from the Cassiopeian Mothers and a Queen-Mother Dragon from their council.
Are you stepping into the energy of the Queen, leading with the Heart of a Mother?
Are you (re)connecting with your deep inner knowing and compass?
Do you need to Remember the Love you came from, the childlike Trust in Life?
This activation is intended to:
- expand your capacity to connect with and experience higher octaves of love and compassion - for yourself and others - with Higher Heart activation of the Magenta Ray
- help you move trough held emotions that block your ability to experience Peace, Compassion, Forgiveness, step into responsibility and affirm your boundaries.
- bring deep repair of old heart wounds and Mother wounds especially for your Inner Child
- Bring into your Heart the frequencies of HOPE and FAITH to experience higher trust in the Divine Plan at play on Earth
Come and meet the loving and healing Presence of the Council of Cosmic Mothers from Cassiopeia who are stepping forward to assist you in releasing Wounds of the Heart that prevent you from experiencing yourself as a conscious co-creator, fully loved and supported by the Divine.
This workshop is a beautifully safe, sacred healing space for you to melt into softness and Be Received and Held gently as you release from your Heart, mind and soul all past emotional imprints that block the expansion of your Heart and Higher Heart into Divine Unconditional Love.