This 22 min recorded guided meditation is a healing journey for the Higher Heart and throat chakra with Mother Mary and the Aquamarine frequency of the Divine Mother.
I will guide you to an Aquamarine Light temple through my voice, using a combination of breathing guidance, toning and light language to clear and activate the alignment of your throat-higher heart-heart axis.
Receive Mother Mary's Water blessing and come into deeper embodiment - letting your cellular memories flow like Rivers of Light.
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Disclaimer : when working on the throat/higher heart chakra, it is normal to experience yawning, sometimes even burping or teary eyes as these energy centres are being cleansed. It's a good sign
About the Aquamarine Ray/Flame
The Aquamarine frequency is often referenced as being connected to Lemuria, Atlantis or Star systems such as the Pleiades, Sirius or Venus. It is strongly connected to the Water element.
You can think of it as a gentle octave of the Blue Flame in its feminine aspect.
It is a frequency of the Cosmic Mother archetype connected to the Higher Heart. Located at the base of the neck between the collar bones, the higher heart or thymus gland is a bridge connecting the heart and the throat chakra. It holds cellular memories such as soul gifts but also karmic imprints of wounding and limitations.
Mother Mary governs over many rays, including the aquamarine ray.