About me
I’m a French Soul Alchemist, Ascension Guide and Rose guardian (also a 2/4 splenic Projector).
I Serve as a Channel of Source Light in Guiding awakening consciousnesses.
Invite me to guide you when you are ready for deeper mastery in Unveiling, Remembering and Embodying the Light that you Are. I'll honour our soul promise and share with you my gift of empowered loving awareness, deep Seeing and channeling SourceLight.
I work with the Rose and ascended masters such as Lord Buddha and Sananda, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and various Cosmic Councils of Light.
Peruse my offerings to find the right resources for your ascension journey - Ascension courses and workshops, meditations, healing session and more, let your inner guide take you there!
It's my greatest Joy to walk you Home to yourself with clarity and compassion.

I was born and raised in Southern France near Marseille, close by the Sainte Baume mountain where Mary Magdalene spent the rest of her days. I was an empath and clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairtangient channel since childhood, helping souls to Cross over to the Light from the age of 6 years old.
I always felt that the Stars were my home as much as Earth.
Without being able to explain it, I had an inner knowledge and perception of the multidimensionality of our Universe and sensed the fabric of Space and Time around me.
Most often, these beautiful abilities felt like a heavy burden rather than a blessing.
I felt lonely, with no sense of belonging, battling bullying and emotional & physical abuse in my early years. My empathy became overwhelming and I wished I knew how to “switch it off”.
I was craving spiritual guidance but didn’t know anyone else like me. I understand from experience how daunting the Awakened Beingness and its process can be in this 3D world. So I asked Source to shut down all my perceptions.
It did, instantly.

I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Languages (English & Japanese) and Project Management, totally cut away from my spiritual life. I studied and lived in Japan and the United States where many spiritual places and encounters tried to call me back on my path.
My career in Webmarketing ended abruptly at 28 with a complete burn out. I was morally, physically and emotionally worn out. I hit rock bottom with deep layers of physical, emotional and ancestral trauma finally calling to my attention.
With humility, compassion for myself and patience (which are challenges for an Aries sun!), I started a long and deep process of healing and regeneration.
I received support from extraordinary healers that held a loving and non-judgmental space for me as I dived deep within - through ego and shadow work, ancestral healing, karmic healing and heart healing. For this reason I am forever grateful for the sacredness of a safe container to explore our wounds.
I KNEW my soul calling was a path of Service and Healing, so I began realigning gently with my soul’s essence, my deep inner voice and guidance.
Reconnections & life in England
I started practicing zazen (Zen meditation) in Soto Zen Buddhism in 2014 and received the ordination of bodhisattva in July 2018. I have been walking the Middle Path ever since, which has brought the joy and peace of Pure Presence back in my life.
I moved to England in 2019 and spent 5 years in the land of Albion before returning to Southern France in 2024.
My time in the UK led me to many pilgrimages on sacred sites, cosmic encounters, reconnecting with my soul family and ancestral roots. It opened the floodgates to multidimensional (re)connections with my spirit guides and soul frequency.
The Rose came back, alongside all her guides. Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, Isis, Hathor, Sekhmet, Ste Therese of Lisieux... too many to name here!
She has reawakened deep memories within my cells, times past serving the Great Mother and weaving Light & Sound into Creation…
Many Cosmic Councils of Star beings and Ascended Masters have made themselves known by my side, such as the Pleiadians, Sirians, Venusians, Lyrans, Cassiopeians, White Brotherhood, St Germain, Lanto, Paul the Venetian, Lady Nada etc. It is an honour to co-create with them for the Collective Ascension of Earth.
The connections coming through me are as celestial as they are Earthy - dragons, elementals, angelic beings, fae beings, Mer people... cosmic and shamanic frequencies are weaved into my work with the Earth & Cosmic Grids as well as humans and animals.

I am based on the Magdalene grids in Southern France and work with souls dedicated to their healing and ascension through reconnecting them with their soul aspects, Higher Self and Soul Gifts. I do this through Soul Alchemy processes and Heart Healing.
I hold a strong, loving and safe non-judgmental space with full Devotion and Presence to my clients’ journey. But I do not do the work for them.
I believe it is in taking full ownership and responsibility for our own journey that we reclaim our Sovereignty, Truth and Power of Choice.
I act as a Guide and master teacher through mentorship, energy healing sessions and pilgrimages on sacred land. The Rose Consciousness is weaved into all my offerings as an over-lighting frequency.
I work with Sound Healing through the encoding of my own voice and the angelic, Earth and Cosmic frequencies I channel in my songs and Light Language.
I share much of my work and journey on my Instagram page and through my newsletter.

It is my deepest, heartfelt soul wish that You live a life of full embodiment of Your Authentic Truth. Your soul reaches as far the Universe goes, ever expanding and ever loving.
You are the Divine Creator incarnated in human form.
You are the Loving Consciousness that births yourself and realities.
You are That Which You Are, which can never be altered.
I can't wait to meet you in the Heart Space.
Rose blessings,

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